Skyline Magazine Autumn 2023 | Page 26

26 Skyline | Edition 6 | Autumn 2023

Customer too complex for the high street ?

How Kent Reliance for Intermediaries could help

What do a self-employed plumber , a newly qualified solicitor , a gig economy worker , the founder of a successful online business and someone with a high net worth all have in common ?
At first glance , there doesn ’ t appear to be much to connect them . They all come from different backgrounds , have different salary expectations and are on very different career paths , so what joins the dots ?
The answer is despite their obvious differences , they may all encounter the same problem when it comes to securing a mortgage . Many mainstream lenders may not consider applications from those whose circumstances they consider as being too complicated or whose income they feel is too unpredictable , often preferring the reassurance and ease of calculation that comes with customers who receive a regular monthly income .
If you ’ re approached by a customer who falls into one of the groups I ’ ve mentioned above , or someone else whose income has been deemed as being too ‘ complex ’ by the high street , where do you turn to help them get the mortgage they need ?
How Kent Reliance for Intermediaries could help
Here at Kent Reliance for Intermediaries we know that every case is different and while some lenders may not be able to help , we see the potential .
As the home of handcrafted mortgage solutions , our market knowledge and flexible criteria means we ’ re able to offer